Escape Room

Escape Room Game 
Talking Tables approached me in the middle of 2018 to help bring a fresh new look to some of their ranges which were aiming to be sold late-2019. One range in particular that stood out was their new idea for an Escape Room game that could be played in anyone's home. I was tasked with designing the packaging and componentry that would go inside the box.

With the game set in Tokyo, I researched Japanese graphic trends and set out to design the game to look authentic and mysterious.

This game went on to sell 250% more than initially planned for and won Gift of the Year 2020 at the Giftware Association Awards
Snapshot of the Concept Design stage showing initial research and a selection of design directions.
Snapshot of the Concept Design stage - creating designs for the componentry and preparing specification files ready for print.
Snapshot of the Concept Design stage - finalising the title graphic and making sure the cover is as impactful as possible.
Final product in situ next to a full layout of each of the components designed for the game.
Escape Room was one of the key items sold in John Lewis in the winter of 2019 as shown here.
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