
I work on the principle that no matter how big or small you are, all businesses deserve access to good design. 
However, in this incredibly competitive market, it is proving difficult for businesses to afford design consultants or agencies. This is where I come in. I'm here to help you with a design service that is high-quality and affordable. I will help you attract new customers, whether it's designing your next big product or creating impactful marketing that helps to get your brand in front of a bigger audience. 
Palma Bay Creative was born in 2016. Whilst working as an industrial designer alongside some of the world's biggest brands including the BBC, Disney and Marks & Spencer, I was continually asked in my spare time to help UK startups with visual branding and marketing collateral so that they could launch under a professional-looking brand. 
After doing this for a couple of years alongside my full-time design job, I decided that it was time to bite the bullet, combine my skills and go freelance. I haven't looked back since.
I have worked with some of the world's leading brands including DC Comics, Sony and Target. One of the key reasons for my continued success is my ability to understand the client's needs and develop relationships built on clear communication, hard work and trust. As a result of working with suppliers, retailers, licensees, licensors as well as small, medium and large businesses, I can see all sides of a project. My expertise has enabled me to approach design in many different ways, massively improving the end result. My hard work was recognised when one of my designs - Host Your Own Escape Room - won Gift of the Year in 2020. 

Want to know more about me and Palma Bay Creative?

You can contact me by clicking on any of the below icons and I will get back to you with a free consultation. So don't be shy and get in touch, I'd love to hear from you! 

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